3 things you have to know about Jet Ski rentals on a gulet!
I wanted to write this blog post for a long time and now finally that has come.
Jet Ski rentals on a gulet
Lots of people wish to have a jet ski on their gulet. This is one of the best things you can experience and one of the worst nightmares for gulet owners that have them on board.
Read in this blog why this is the case.
If you would now know what is a JET SKI you would probably not read this post, but just in case.

If you ever used Jet Ski before you probably know it is:
- lots of fun
- very fast
- with powerful engine
- and very hard thing to use “in slow motion”
If you use Jet Ski you will go fast. You will push it to the limit. And you will try to do crazy stuff with it. Everybody that is saying differently has either not used it before – or is lying.

Lots of gulets (especially in a luxury and deluxe category) are equipped with jet ski nowadays but every time we talk with gulet owners that have this on board they all say the same 3 things.
So here they are…3 things you need to know about having a JET SKI on a gulet.
1. If you wish to drive it on your own you need a special license!
Driving a Jet Ski is not the same as riding a bike. You need to have a special driving license to drive a JET SKI and lots of people are not aware of this.
So they rent a gulet because she has a JET SKI on board and then goes crazy when they see they should not use it on their own.
Lots of times gulet owners back down and still give the JET SKI to clients (which is very wrong) and as accidents happen most of the times at the most inappropriate times – they usually happen to people with good paperwork.
And if client hurts himself and he does not have a license – BIG PROBLEM…
2. You can not use it wherever you wish!
Most of the times you can only use the JET SKI in some special areas or far away from the beach. And unfortunately, people do not seem to care too much about this rule.
So the person goes crazy with the JET SKI close to the shore – and BANG!!!:
- he hits a swimmer (you can go to jail for this)
- he gets caught by the police (the penalties are huge both the client and for the owner)
3. Because of too much speed, lots of clients hurt themselves!
Every gulet owner that has a JET SKI is on average in hospital at least 2.3 times/year. And this is very very annoying for the client who is hurt, for the gulet owner that has to organize everything and for the rest of the group and it always ruins the holidays of the other part of the group.

So JET SKI is most of the time much more pain than joy. But of course, this does not have to be the case.
If you use it normally if you are not aggressive with it and if you listen to the owner’s advice – you will be fine.